Children’s futures are too important not to have the very best.

Our journey into education leadership began when our co-founder Ian Wigston spoke at a conference in California and met two founders of a new Charter School. They asked him to work with their leaders and teachers to help create the strategy and ethos for the school.

At the time, he observed that education often lacked the exceptional quality needed. We believe, as we did then, that our children’s futures are far too important to settle for anything less than the very best.

Who we work with

At Bright Field Consulting, we work with Head Teachers or Principals who are strongly values driven, with a commitment to young people as well as to supporting and developing their colleagues. Our clients typically have a clear direction and are willing to learn and go on a journey of self discovery to achieve their aims.

When it comes to working together, our clients may be experiencing challenges in one or more of these areas:

  • Honing their leadership skills
  • Getting disengaged middle leaders to work effectively
  • Engaging with hard to reach parents

How we work

We’ve forged strong and beneficial links with the school leaders we have worked with over several years, building their trust through an understanding and appreciation of the challenges they face day to day.

We ally this knowledge with a range of tools and processes which have been forged in the corporate world, and which we have translated appropriately into education.

Understanding personality (via Insights Discovery profiling)

Understanding personality (via Insights Discovery profiling)

Enabling potential

Enabling potential

Building engagement

Building engagement

The results we’ve achieved for our clients

We meet the following:

  • Greater understanding and awareness of themselves, colleagues and significant stakeholders
  • Improved relationships with governing bodies parents and staff
  • More strategic and longer term perspective
  • More effective leadership teams, creating a positive impact on school performance, student experience and school reputation

Mentoring that is transforming women’s leadership

Thought provoking and based on a wealth of personal experience. Great insights on raising our sights for professional development in the world of education.

David Laws, Schools Minister 2012-2015
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